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Joined: 01 Jun 2003
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Posted: 8/12/2003 7:35:55 AM
Post subject: Furverts needed |
I received an email today, with an appeal for help:
From: Kate Leo
To: mitch@crushyiffdestroy.com
Subject: need some furverts
I am working on the Showtime reality series, "FAMILY BUSINESS" and am
looking for some plushofiles and furries to participate in one of our
upcoming shoots...do you think you could help us out/point us in the right
A little background (from www.showtimeonline.com):
FAMILY BUSINESS is a new late night reality series from SHOWTIME about an average guy trying to make a living in the porn industry. A hilarious blend of real-life absurd situations and eccentric characters, FAMILY BUSINESS focuses on the charismatic Adam Glasser and his alter ego, "Seymore Butts," who has created over 70 popular adult films. This show is for adult audiences only.
The show uncovers the naked truth of a family whose business just happens to be adult entertainment. FAMILY BUSINESS centers around Adam, a proud single dad who runs the family business with his sometimes meddling, but well meaning mom, Lila, and cantankerous cousin, Stevie. The series follows Adam as he faces the same problems that many people encounter - running his own company, juggling a hectic schedule and looking for the love of his life.
Adam's life is like anyone else's... almost. As an adult film producer, director and actor, his everyday challenges may be a little more unique than yours or mine. But you wouldn't believe the hard work that goes into auditioning hot new talent and shooting the perfect scene.
The show is executive produced by Arnold Shapiro and Allison Grodner, part of the team behind the CBS series "Big Brother," and directed by Jay Blumenfield and Anthony Marsh.
If anyone can help Kate Leo, I'll give you her address. This is not one of my hoaxes. |
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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Posted: 8/12/2003 9:25:56 AM
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hmm right after i posted a message on how furries could change thier image and could burn the media for once
edit: well not after, but i didnt read this until after
unfortunatly for kate leo it will never happen
furries are just as stupid as ever about things like this but now 50x more timid
she should just save time and go the MTV route and fake it
not like there ever was anythign "real" about "reality tv" in the first place
edit#2: maybe kate should read my post over in the chit chat forum
if shes looking for a plushie whos also a furry, i think shes got 1 choice foxwolfie , i dont know any others
and the thought of him on a reality show is so fucking horrifying ... |
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Joined: 13 Jun 2003
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Posted: 8/12/2003 12:27:00 PM
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hmm right after i posted a message on how furries could change thier image and could burn the media for once
edit: well not after, but i didnt read this until after
unfortunatly for kate leo it will never happen
furries are just as stupid as ever about things like this but now 50x more timid
she should just save time and go the MTV route and fake it
not like there ever was anythign "real" about "reality tv" in the first place
edit#2: maybe kate should read my post over in the chit chat forum
if shes looking for a plushie whos also a furry, i think shes got 1 choice foxwolfie , i dont know any others
and the thought of him on a reality show is so fucking horrifying ...
Yeah, they've gotten a lot more timid since the MTV thing. There are a whole pot of furry/plushophiles besides FoxWolfie, though. If someone could ever get Pookie Alynna Frostfang Seidaku Loxorion Trypnotyk Whatzafutsuz in front of a camera, it'd roll the public's eyes back in their heads, to be sure . . .
Others that spring to mind:
Bart "Nekobe" Bevoerts (or however you spell it)
2 (EAT MY COCK!!) Gryphon
Erik Mouse
Xydexx the Inflatable Weirdballoon
Ostrich (only he's not talking, anymore - wisely)
Hossie (yeah, he died - but only after starring in the one Springer episode deemed too gruesome to show)
Miami Pony
Mark Merlino
Kevin Duane
Kaijima Frostfang
Lord Ryven
Ursus Californicus the Spherical and the rest of his Yiff Pit
Alfador (who might be actually willing to appear)
I'm sure MSG (the artist formerly known as Hangdog) could come up with a whole lot more. Other good references could undoubtedly be found through Mike Hirtes (the funniest thing on aff!) and Starless And Bible Black (the artist formerly known as StukaFox). |
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The New Meat
Joined: 03 Jun 2003
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Posted: 8/12/2003 4:25:57 PM
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Was Hoss that guy who married his horse? I used to have the Springer book (Cost only a buck from our local bookstore's bargain bin) and it had the script for what was supposedly the only episode that never got aired.
Starles and Bibleblack was Stukafox? Why don't I know anything? |
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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Posted: 8/12/2003 5:41:06 PM
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well im just saying that its 2 completely different things to get a camera in thier face and ask a question or convince them to let you follow them around a con
than to actually do an appear on a tv show
your talking about a group of people who are RITUALLY ABUSED by the media and harrassed by any flunkie with an internet connection so
needless to say i really think that kimmell show/man show was the last coverage there will be
in fact i think exeline's actions will be shown to have been either malicious or desperate, in allowign those camera crews in. because no one is that stupid.
i will truely be shocked if kate leo finds a "furvert"
btw how do you know that the following people are plushophiles
2 (EAT MY COCK!!) Gryphon
Erik Mouse
Mark Merlino
Kevin Duane
Alfador (who might be actually willing to appear)
what the kid in WA that appeared in the olympian??
im not aware that any of these people are
im not saying some of them dont have thier own set of problems but plushophilia?! |
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Joined: 13 Jun 2003
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Posted: 8/13/2003 2:56:30 AM
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btw how do you know that the following people are plushophiles
2 (EAT MY COCK!!) Gryphon
Erik Mouse
Mark Merlino
Kevin Duane
Oh, none of them are, AFAIK ('cept for maybe Erik Mouse), but the request wasn't just for plushophiles. For example, Xydexx isn't a plushbanger, although he likes inflatable pool toys - a lot.
Alfador (who might be actually willing to appear)
what the kid in WA that appeared in the olympian??
That would be him. His everyday dress includes three fox tails and often a skirt (there's plenty of photographic evidence for this). By his own admission, he also enjoys sitting around in soiled diapers when he gets the chance. Not a plushfucker either, but there's plenty of material to work with nonetheless.
im not aware that any of these people are
im not saying some of them dont have thier own set of problems but plushophilia?!
Sorry if I wasn't clear. All are, however, certainly "furverts" by most definitions.
Since the MTV and BBC documentaries, the lifestylers have become notoriously (and understandably) camera-shy, so Showtime has their work cut out for them getting anyone interesting to appear. It'd be pure white-hot awesome if they could get Pookie - he boinks the plush relentlessly, and he's quite a piece of work in many other ways.
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Joined: 13 Jun 2003
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Posted: 8/13/2003 3:14:14 AM
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Was Hoss that guy who married his horse? I used to have the Springer book (Cost only a buck from our local bookstore's bargain bin) and it had the script for what was supposedly the only episode that never got aired.
Yup. At one of the ConFurence-s (6?), he passed out pictures of his "bride" wearing pink panties to anyone that was interested and quite a few people who weren't.
Starles and Bibleblack was Stukafox?
Yup again. Starless is a really funny and intelligent guy - it's hilarious when some furvert comes roaring on to the Portal, full of righteous indignation, and he and MSG/Hangdog go into full-on tag-team bait mode. The Church of Scientology's Official Winsock .dll will shut down your TCP/IP connection if it runs across a Web page, Usenet post, or email message with "StukaFox" in it, which I would consider a great honor. |
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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Posted: 8/13/2003 5:13:54 AM
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Starless is a really funny and intelligent guy - it's hilarious when some furvert comes roaring on to the Portal, full of righteous indignation, and he and MSG/Hangdog go into full-on tag-team bait mode.
erm, sorry, people like this are fucking pathetic
people who shit talk on message boards, get thier rocks off insulting and harrasing and making fun of other people (regardles of how deserving) are not going to earn 1 iota of respect from me. because for every single shit-talker there are 10 people in real world who arnt afraid to actually throw down and beat some fuckin ass. everyone who thinks that they are somehow "hard" theres 100 people 100x harder that dont say shit, and i personally have known/have run into several of them.
the thing is with PoE , is that its a bunch of fuckin losers, that think they are better than other losers. its pathetic bullying , and im sure its led to actual harrassment of people every time they post a link. its one thing to laugh at something its another to invite attacks upon. think of the difference between being an armchair bigot, and burning a cross, and thats exactly what im talking about.
it just really goes to show you that the people on these boards dont get out much. you can shit talk safely over the net..nothin much gonna come of it...you shit talk out "there" and all kinds of bad shit can happen - ive seen it
WAY to much bullshit on the net...but thats what its all about right? |
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Joined: 13 Jun 2003
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Posted: 8/13/2003 10:14:27 AM
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Enough. We're off topic.
I would dearly love to reply at greater length, but I'm going to end this here out of deference to the site owners.
Three brief points, then I'll shut up.
One: you have no idea what you're talking about. PoE has a very strict non-attack policy. (Do you know where cyd is hosted, btw?)
Two: I don't appreciate being called a loser and a fucking idiot, and I kind of doubt Computolio does, either. That, sir, is a personal insult.
Three: If you want to trade flames with me you can take it to email, but let me assure you you're way out of your league.
Apologies, Mitch. I will say no more. |
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Joined: 01 Jun 2003
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Posted: 8/13/2003 4:56:57 PM
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...(Do you know where cyd is hosted, btw?)
I just woke up. What does that question have to do with anything? |
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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Posted: 8/13/2003 7:29:41 PM
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One: you have no idea what you're talking about. PoE has a very strict non-attack policy. (Do you know where cyd is hosted, btw?)
well, it seems what they say and what they do are 2 completely different things arnt they? PoE THEMSELVES probably dont, but they sure as fuck incite thier visitors too. you ever read peoples guestbooks and see the hateful shit that get put in them?
i was under the impression CYD was NOT hosted at PoE, whether it is or is not, makes no difference. its PoE that i dont like
Two: I don't appreciate being called a loser and a fucking idiot, and I kind of doubt Computolio does, either. That, sir, is a personal insult.
you could infer that i was calling you a loser, but i never said anyone was a "fucking idiot". out of fairness ill say that i shouldnt have blown up like that , somethin you said set me off, so in that sense i apologize. when people have to gang up on a group that has already proven it cant defend itself i think its bullshit. when i see people gettin nitpicked to death or bullied, it pisses me off. i dont like poe, never have, have no reason to go there. and no i have nothing to say to the site owner or anyone who hangs out there about it
Three: If you want to trade flames with me you can take it to email, but let me assure you you're way out of your league.
actually i dont, but id like to know how you figure that im out of my league? |
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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Posted: 8/15/2003 5:19:13 AM
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jesus christ, repo
i know your pissed off with me but ya didnt have to wipe out the whole northeast power grid just to get back at me for some post on message board
just ease up ok?? |
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Joined: 06 Jun 2003
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Posted: 8/15/2003 5:17:20 PM
Post subject: erm... |
Can I point out that there are worse places than PoE? I've been on some furry message boards where they start on anyone who is even slightly different, like people who actually have brains :P
At least PoE doesn't skulk about what they do, they don't throw loose accusations about without proof, in fact PoE doesn't condemn the sites very much and most certainly doesn't encourage visitors too, if visitors start on people well than that is their own look out and you've gotta admit some of the pathetic freakjobs who get on there are just asking for it.
At the very least the people on PoE's forums welcome intelligence debate, rather than rabble rousing, I once got on a furry forum when you couldn't do constructive criticism on a picture without getting flamed into next month then banned on some flimsy mocked up charge. |
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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Posted: 8/15/2003 5:58:38 PM
Post subject: Re: erm... |
Can I point out that there are worse places than PoE? I've been on some furry message boards where they start on anyone who is even slightly different, like people who actually have brains :P
fair enough, im sure thats very true
At least PoE doesn't skulk about what they do, they don't throw loose accusations about without proof,
uh huh
in fact PoE doesn't condemn the sites very much
b-b-b- BWHAT ?!?!? are we talking about the same place here ???!?!?
they condemn sites, they condemn people,
christ, how can this statement even be taken seriously?!
the fucking PoE EXISTS for the sole purpose of ridiculing people and thier web sites (and selling ad space and webhosting)
At the very least the people on PoE's forums welcome intelligence debate, rather than rabble rousing
MAYBE, just MAYBE from a FEW select people
but then again i hasnt been my experience AT ALL
if i want intelligent discussion of the furry fandom, my choices are - in order:
2. Alt.Fan.Furry (hahaha)
3. maybe id actually do what i said i would never do - and pay for a something awful forum account
and dead last would be PoE |
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Joined: 01 Jun 2003
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Posted: 8/15/2003 7:02:15 PM
Post subject: Re: erm... |
b-b-b- BWHAT ?!?!? are we talking about the same place here ???!?!?
they condemn sites, they condemn people,
christ, how can this statement even be taken seriously?!
the fucking PoE EXISTS for the sole purpose of ridiculing people and thier web sites (and selling ad space and webhosting) This confused me as well. DA, are you referring to the way that PoE doesn't actively go out and post criticism/abuse on a featured site's forums and guestbooks?
Incidentally, getting a serious discussion on the PoE forums is far from impossible - all that's required is for you to approach them with some degree of caution. Storming in and denouncing everyone as being "haters" is a sure-fire way of ruining any chance of getting sense out of anyone, replacing it with the sharks-to-blood flame frenzy, but asking an honest question (and wording it as such) will usually get an honest answer.
ps. I wouldn't recommend conducting a furry discussion on SA - most of the regulars have lost interest in the subject. |
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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Posted: 8/16/2003 12:58:17 AM
Post subject: hmm |
isnt funny that at just the right time an old thread gets brought to the forefront:
We normally ask people to refrain from posting to such sites, hell we normally ignore such sites. I recently deleted a post here from someone who talked about posting in one livejournal log.
Its over. New Game. Find the worst site on livejournal.com - or find them all post all you want, I don't care. This will be our first, not guestbook raid but massive site visit. You can only post in logs that allow anon posting - so please post the ones you find here. I am sleepy now but will write up an official game - any ideas on how to pick who wins? What prize? A night of kthor sleeping at your house might be available.
OOPS! aint that a bitch
so much for rules, when you got a personal vendetta against someone.
and he got involved himself:
I found THIS numbfuck, who styles himself a writer, and I responded to THIS like so:
now im aware that this happened a long time ago
but hey check this out:
If anyone is deciding to get back into this..
Digging to China 08/11/03, 19:00
Please tell this girl to have an abortion
Wow !! this site is fucking HILARIOUS !!
fucking with a girl while shes trying to decide whether or not to have an abortion!
i wish i was cool enough to go on PoE
fucking classy people
a dirt bag like me will never fit in there
anyway , this is my last post on the subject of PoE, i'd just like to finally point out how many fucking times the words
fag, faggot, gay, homo, and every imaginable variation get thrown around on those fucking forums
sorry guys, i left that shit behind the day i walked out of high school |
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Joined: 06 Jun 2003
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Posted: 8/16/2003 6:21:06 PM
Post subject: Yes |
Yes, That is indeed what I'm speaking about, after all it is just an opinion site nobody needs to go looking to see if they're on there. |
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Michael Hirtes
Joined: 04 Aug 2003
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Posted: 8/17/2003 11:13:32 AM
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I'm sure MSG (the artist formerly known as Hangdog) could come up with a whole lot more. Other good references could undoubtedly be found through Mike Hirtes (the funniest thing on aff!)
I'm hoping that's in a flattering tone. |
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Michael Hirtes
Joined: 04 Aug 2003
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Posted: 8/17/2003 11:15:54 AM
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Was Hoss that guy who married his horse? I used to have the Springer book (Cost only a buck from our local bookstore's bargain bin) and it had the script for what was supposedly the only episode that never got aired.
Hell, I got the *actual episode* on video (a friend of mine, which one I forget since it was a few years back, had acess to some archives, and this gem was one of those he shared with me).
All I can say is that it's been a few years since I last watched that tape, and I *still* cannot eat carrots. |
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Joined: 27 Aug 2003
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Posted: 8/27/2003 10:24:10 PM
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Holy fuck, what a joke. What kind of predicament can you get yourself into where the only way u can have sex is with a stuffed toy?
And whats worse, the media can exploit it for cheap shock value, but when I make a joke about Sept. 11th, I get kicked out of the club. What is this world coming to? |
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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Posted: 9/8/2003 8:50:40 AM
Post subject: uhhhm |
furnation allows XXX material
but if some of that was what i thought it was ...
i think somebody might want to bring that to thier (FurNation's) attention
im pretty sure that is against thier rules
as far as the original topic, i been thinking -
looking at the premise of this show...how in the hell would they ever write this in?
ok this guy works at a porn studio, great
plushies dont buy porn of people fucking plushies - it is something they do utterly, utterly alone
furry porn would be like a comic (or maybe many years from now, animated cartoons) so i doubt theyd write an episode where this guy hires an animation team or writes for genus or something.
so im guessing the episode was gonna be this guy filming one of those fursuitsex videos
but then thats just illogical , who would buy it ? the target markets pretty small (even in furry)
then again theres all kinds of weird videos at the back of just regular old porn mags so who knows
im willing to bet a majority of those fursuitsex videos were sold to regular run of the mill perverts
thats really the only route they could go anyway as far an episode of this show...altho its starting to sound like an awkward, unfunny, reality version of "strip mall"
this is one of those things about "reality tv" that i dont get...whats the fuckin point? just get an actor throw him in a fursuit and film the scene ...its not gonna be more authentic with an actual "furvert"
btw, fast fact: chris wilde of "strip mall" - when he got his own show "the Chris Wilde show", he would always run out on stage and just basically go ballistic and do weird stuff,
i remeber one episode he did this skit , where he was running around naked and then basically raped this giant black teddy bear (it was censored and run in fast forward with goofy music) and then later the teddy bear reaches up and takes it "head" off and it was his friend, the co host
ALSO , on the subject of furries and fiction tv:
i thought it was actually cool that one episode of ER(i only watched the clips, because this show, along with network tv, and all tv in general SUCKS) ,
with the 2 that one bit the other
i was thinking 1 of 3 thigns happened
either that is just the sort of thign where , "hey lets put some of those furries in this episode - just for fun", then once the script was finished it was a HUGE coincidence
somebody did a TON of research and found out about (a relatively obscure) incident - when karno bit schirmeister at the con
or someone on the cast, set or writing team is a furry |
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Joined: 06 Nov 2003
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Posted: 11/6/2003 7:34:49 PM
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Bart "Nekobe" Bevoerts
Pointing this guy out is like pointing at the retard banging his head on the wall in school and laughing. It's just too easy, man.
2 Gryphon
2 isn't a bad guy, at least he can hold a conversation. Can't hold his liquar though.
Xydexx the Inflatable Weirdballoon
Actually, he is a pretty normal guy all around, just has a weird fetish. He knows when to fly his freak flag, unlike a lot of people.
Ostrich (only he's not talking, anymore - wisely)
Yeah, he learned his lesson after someone confronted him for being a shit head.
Mark Merlino
Social retard who promotes himself like a Bush did for president.
Kevin Duane
Captain Bugeyes himself. Liar, theif, and retard all in one.
Lord Ryven
This boy has a tire iron with his name on it. Fucking idiot. |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 3/23/2004 12:38:43 AM
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Hmmm. I've seen that guy's work. And indeed, he only comes out of "weird cloak" when it's logical to do so.
With him and Big Horse running around, it's a weird, wonderful world.
I get a laugh from those guys. And at least Big Horse draws humans too. |
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