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Joined: 01 Jan 2005
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Posted: 1/27/2005 3:29:00 AM
Post subject: WAAAGH! |
'Nuff said: http://vcl.ctrl-c.liu.se/vclforum/showthread.php3?s=5bdd4329404eb72e7cb9819ad5844946&threadid=15122
Linkoping University, our gracious host in Sweden that has been providing the bandwidth for our Sweden, and master, site for 6 years has just asked us to remove all the 'objectionable' content from our server there, or to simply shut down the site. Unfortuantely, politics, and the public appearance of LIU, comes into play here.
Given that finding and suppressing all the 'objectionable material' would be a mammoth task and, more importantly, is against the very purpose of the VCL, we have decided to simply shut down the Sweden site within the next day or so, and seek alternate hosting. |
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Joined: 03 Jan 2004
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Posted: 1/27/2005 3:34:17 AM
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When furry porn is outlawed, only outlaws will own... er, wait. |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 1/27/2005 3:42:15 AM
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Should be interesting to see how this shakes out.
If they're restricted to a host that has bandwidth limits, and the owner of VCL has to buy larger bandwidth, I'd love to see the howling when VCL goes pay.
For that would be the day VCL dies, and a glorious day it will be. And it's not too far now. Not too far... Mwahahahaha. |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/27/2005 3:42:27 AM
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Oh... and didn't I just post a comment about VCL being "pretty much bomb-proof"? :oops:
And another one gone,
and another one gone,
and another one bites the dust!
Speaking of furry porn, Sibe is also now out of the picture.
It's furfuckingpocalypse NOW. |
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Joined: 13 Nov 2003
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Posted: 1/27/2005 3:55:31 AM
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Oh... and didn't I just post a comment about VCL being "pretty much bomb-proof"? :oops:
And another one gone,
and another one gone,
and another one bites the dust!
Speaking of furry porn, Sibe is also now out of the picture.
It's furfuckingpocalypse NOW.
It's a general movement. It seems that big heads (such as Lynkopig's university's rectorate) are starting to realize about how lawless the Internet is and are trying to stop the craze before it's too late and the Internet collapses down outweighted by its own banality.
I may be wrong... but it seems we're in the beginning of a new era on the Internet. Porn and warez will be available, as before, but I don't think it will be as easy to get as it's been so far.
Since if the VCL disappears furry porn may be harder to get, I wonder how will this affect the next generation of furries. Who knows. Maybe they're a little more discrete than those that are furries nowadays. Perhaps they're more attracted to funny animals again instead of weird fetishes. There -may- be a chance that furrydom -may- be not as claustrophobic as it is now.
We'll see in ten years. |
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Joined: 03 Jan 2004
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Posted: 1/27/2005 4:14:37 AM
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We'll see in ten years.
Fuck that. Why even bother to check in? As a social experiment, we have seen that it is a great failure - and how with the weak-minded, and weaker-willed, ends up being a drving force as they find that some of their more carnal, (even communication) needs are met... thus, they become a slave to the system. Within a few hours, to a few months, one is turned from a 'this is a fun game', to 'wtf typesex?' into 'OMG I M HURM SEX WITH MY BIG TITTIES'.
What the hell is to bother with, even as a perspective? It'll be akin to the 'I remember when there was no WWW' guy. No one is going to really care, and as far as a disturbed blip on the deviance list, the only thing reported might echo Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide notation of Earth: 'Mostly Harmless.'
However, this will read: All-Encompassing fetish.
The rest of the universe gives a fuck about Earth in that story, much as the rest could care less about furry.
I submit to you, sirs, that we bask in the glory of the ending of the driving forces of furrydom - the very pedistals which were built, are nopw falling - and the Nuple, and all of it's ilk, their oozing bodies, rivulets of puss... and streams of sticky goo - they're all tumbling.
Where will you be standing? Fuck the side-lines, Law and Order is on. |
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Posted: 1/27/2005 5:04:46 AM
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Alright! Let's hope they don't find another server.
Earlier I said VCL is a toilet that needed to be flushed. I guess this might be it. Speak of the devil. |
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Posted: 1/27/2005 6:00:42 AM
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Oh... and didn't I just post a comment about VCL being "pretty much bomb-proof"? :oops:
And another one gone,
and another one gone,
and another one bites the dust!
Speaking of furry porn, Sibe is also now out of the picture.
It's furfuckingpocalypse NOW.
I think it actually IS the furpocolypse. Furries are getting cut off left and right here. You'd almost think it was the work of some covert anti-furry syndicate.
I wonder if all the artists that bailed on DA and SA are going to go crawling back ? A hell of a lot of them went back to VCL.
So whats the deal with the other one ?
Is everything thats on the Swedish server also on the US one ? or can the US not handle everything by itself?
Oh well, if furry art goes all underground Ill be the creep in YOUR college's parking lot selling issues of Genus and whatnot out of the trunk of my spooky '64. Hey... I just recognize business opportunities when I see them (that and I have a thing for illicit, underground, shady dealings) :) |
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Joined: 03 Jan 2004
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Posted: 1/27/2005 6:20:57 AM
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(... I have a thing for illicit, underground, shady dealings) :)
Next stop, Cub Central. |
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Posted: 1/27/2005 6:28:10 AM
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(... I have a thing for illicit, underground, shady dealings) :)
Next stop, Cub Central.
fuck noooooooooooooo!!! :) |
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Joined: 31 Mar 2004
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Posted: 1/27/2005 8:31:08 AM
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VCL, Sheezy, Yerf, jeez, it's like every friggin' furry art gallery is comin' a-tumblin' down....
It's enough to make a man religious, I tells ya. I dream come true, a gift from God, I says! |
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Chris Baird
Joined: 04 Aug 2003
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Posted: 1/27/2005 10:57:39 AM
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It's a general movement. It seems that big heads (such as Lynkopig's university's rectorate) are starting to realize about how lawless the Internet is and are trying to stop the craze before it's too late...
Fuck that reasoning and blame-shifting.
The VCL passed its used-by date and the operators needing bullets to the head, when they failed as credible adults by allowing emotionally underdeveloped and unprepared teenagers have free-reign drawing and having access to retarded smut and smut-peddling, accentuating their underdevelopment even further ("Pink Fairy Lotus"...). Cogdon et.al. I find personally responsible for creating hundreds of now-losers. Sure, 'Nightcrawler' was obviously a cretin beforehand, but thanks to good-old-VCL, he's now received additional encouragement to use that as a badge and the rest of his life will likely be spent like that.
What's he do when he discovers a kid uploading to the board? Delete their account and tell them to fuck off and grow up? Or just warn them to keep everything hush-hush for the good of the VCL 'and respect for you as an aaaaartist...'? The Later, which is complacency in my book, no matter how dramatic a forum posting the Admins insincerly make about it. And now there's thousands of additional teenager and once-teenagers freaks in the fandom, drawing shit furporn and selling it for a quick tax-free income on FurBid to make up for the money their parents won't give them, and revolving their lives about their on-line freak 'friends'.
When I was in high-school, one of my brothers got into the habit of acquring porn magazines and showing them off to his mates. I narced and had him LARTed by Mum, not because PORN IS THE EVIL, but to stop him progressing into being a full-blown fucktard. Little Brother is definately not a fucktard now. The Status Quo at the VCL was wholly "OH NOES! You don't have the self-important Right to impinge on another's actions! You should show how Progressive you are by allowing anyone TEH FREEDOM!" ... "That doesn't mean I have to help you become what I judge is an anti-social freak that's of no real benefit to society." |
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Joined: 13 Nov 2003
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Posted: 1/27/2005 3:57:28 PM
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Nooonono. I think you people are missing the "big picture" here.
I've been watching tech news for a while, and I've noticed a gradual movement to bring -some- order to the Internet, and it gets stronger as news spread and more organizations, bot governmental and non-governmental, decide to get in the game.
As I typed this, I've got a new RSS feed from Wired News saying this:
"With horror stories of clogged computers ringing in their ears, lawmakers get ready to drop the hammer on malware makers. Penalties as high as $3 million could await homepage hijackers and other troublemakers. Michael Grebb reports from Washington."
It seems it's a general tendence. Many laws have been passed and approved in different countries on the last years, and it seems the time to enforce those laws has come. And most of those laws go against porn and warez, the most sought after cotents on the Internet.
I know we're talking here about the Internet, and it's also true that many obscene contents will simply go abroad, to countries with looser laws. But that also implies that many of the services actually hosted on the US or the EU (like the VCL) will either be shut down or move abroad, as their hosts may fear retailation from the government.
I know it's hard to imagine an Internet where porn and warez aren't as easy to get as they are now. But the future is impossible to forecast. As it was impossible to forecast in 1995 that the Internet, that network of universities and military organizations with almost no commercial sites, where sites like Lycos and Google were only students' projects, would become what it is now.
As I said before, we'll see in 10 years. |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 1/27/2005 4:44:11 PM
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Wow.. pretty impressive chain of events lately.
But, with respect to VCL... this is furry porn we're talking about. Furries will find a way. If you build it, they will cum. There may be some rough road ahead for them, but you know they're going to find a way. VCL in its current incarnation may fall, but something else will go up in its place. I don't recall the name, but I remember VCL's predecessor. It was an impressive little database where you could do all kinds of cross-referencing. In time it munched it, and about a year or so later VCL sprang up.
So, maybe VCL will burn down, fall over, THEN sink into the swamp.. but there'll be another.
I can see how the future might be tougher on furries, however, with respect to site hosting. It's not surprising that a university, even overseas, would pull the plug based on content. They have an image to think about. Universities are typically very stringent about what content is allowed on their sites, because they can suffer from a blow to their image a lot more than an ISP can. Since colleges have been the bases for some subversive and/or wacko groups and individuals, they have to be really mindful that they don't allow content that, after some furry goes and rapes a 13 year old girl or something, people can say "You had THIS on your server, and that wasn't a clue that he was going to do this?????" I think the surprising thing is it lasted this long.
I think it'll get progressively harder to host a site VCL's size, too. Since the admins aren't willing to put ANY kind of limits on things, the thing will continue to grow and fester. The server requirements will grow.. and it's hard to host a large site that just gets larger without being noticed. And once the content gets noticed... YANK!
Really, their lack of desire to regulate themselves is part of what is biting them in the butt. Removing adult content would have been a monumental task of they had relegated adult content to a specific area.. like insisting artists follow certain guidelines when categorizing their work and having a standard "adult" directory. Then they could have just weeded it out by directories instead of facing the choice between going through each and every image or shutting down. Their size issues could be resolved if they actually bothered to put some kind of limit on images... like 100 images max. Is 101 a winner? Take one of your others down. Then, they wouldn't have hack artists taking up server space with 500+ trash images.
If they ever really gain any notice among the non-furry public, they're going to catch some serious heat. Since they're lazy about regulating the traffic of minors (oooh.. a single warning page.. big whoop), they not only have minors viewing adult material, but creating adult material for the site.
They can pass it off as not wanting to interefere with folks and making the site as non-dogmatic as possible.. but it's pretty obvious it's just work they don't want to do. Besides, not only does it mean they'd have to make an effor, like requiring some kind of age verification system to view areas and contribute, but it means they may not uncover some gem of Sonic porn that a 13 year old girl drew.
I figure eventually some parent will catch their kid fapping to Doug Winger porn and start a "think of the children" campagin against them. Might even make headlines.
I don't plan on finding out in 10 years, though. If I'm still doin' this 10 years from now, I'll shoot myself. |
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Posted: 1/27/2005 4:44:40 PM
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Don't you all see? The crash of Yerf, the shutdown of VCL's Swedish server, this is just the begining.
I'm still waiting for the completion of Arsenal Gear which once active will completly regulate the flow of all information as we know it. Think of it, a world where leaked source codes, roms, warez and other forms of piracy will become a thing of the past. Fandoms fueled by the Internet will fall, and free speech will cease to exist. It will be a glorious day. A boring day where nothing will appear on CYD or SA to amuse me, but a glorious day none the less. |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 1/27/2005 4:51:37 PM
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And on that day.. with nothing else to do.. we'll go outside and ride bikes....
Edit: Just looked at the US mirror for the sake of comparison. I can see the furries might get rumpled with the loss of the Sweden site... the US one is pretty damn slow. |
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 1/27/2005 6:18:45 PM
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VCL, Sheezy, Yerf, jeez, it's like every friggin' furry art gallery is comin' a-tumblin' down....
It's enough to make a man religious, I tells ya. I dream come true, a gift from God, I says!
Well, we tried to warn these clowns what would happen if they kept on acting like spoiled-rotten assholes.
We tried to warn them what would happen if they kept being fodder for every magazine/tv show from LOADED to C.S.I..
We tried to warn them what would happen if they continued to get worse in their mental behavior (I mean, now these nutjobs are actually "thinking" that it's OK to commit carjackings in broad daylight in front of witnesses, for krissakes!).
But did they listen? |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 1/27/2005 7:47:48 PM
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*braces for a Yahoo Groups swarm*
I just realized something... Yahoo Groups is still around!
We're doomed. Or correction... Yahoo Groups is DOOMED. |
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Joined: 11 Mar 2004
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Posted: 1/27/2005 9:17:15 PM
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*braces for a Yahoo Groups swarm*
I just realized something... Yahoo Groups is still around!
We're doomed. Or correction... Yahoo Groups is DOOMED.
You almost say that like it's a bad thing.
Furry's not going anywhere. It's in for a rough time over the next couple years, but trust me, one way or another they'll pull through this and come out smelling like, well, furries. |
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Joined: 06 Jun 2003
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Posted: 1/27/2005 9:25:17 PM
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The only one of the lost sites I'll actually miss is yerf, probably because it was the only one with some sort of regulation. |
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 1/27/2005 9:27:17 PM
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*braces for a Yahoo Groups swarm*
I just realized something... Yahoo Groups is still around!
We're doomed. Or correction... Yahoo Groups is DOOMED.
You almost say that like it's a bad thing.
Furry's not going anywhere. It's in for a rough time over the next couple years, but trust me, one way or another they'll pull through this and come out smelling like, well, furries.
And by that time, the heat REALLY gets turned up on them.
(Just waiting for the first Senate hearings to drop mention of furrydumb, ladies & gents) |
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Chris Baird
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Posted: 1/27/2005 9:39:47 PM
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What do people thinks the odds are we might see the FBI/CIA/Secret Service shut down LiveJournal in the next day or so...? |
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Joined: 03 Jun 2003
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Posted: 1/27/2005 10:00:56 PM
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I'm hoping for both vcl's and furnation's demise, because I have accounts on both with furry porn on them, passwords I've forgotten, and an e-mail address that has been suspended ages ago because the lack of use. And i'm, by the gods, NOT sending a scan of my driver's licence to a furry. NO FUCKING WAY. |
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Posted: 1/27/2005 10:04:32 PM
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What do people thinks the odds are we might see the FBI/CIA/Secret Service shut down LiveJournal in the next day or so...? Better by the minute.
Let's all cross our fingers. |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/28/2005 12:13:50 AM
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Really, their lack of desire to regulate themselves is part of what is biting them in the butt. Removing adult content would have been a monumental task of they had relegated adult content to a specific area.. like insisting artists follow certain guidelines when categorizing their work and having a standard "adult" directory.
This was on Ch'marr's to-do list, but never got off the ground. Most likely because there was no pressing need for it, or that such a thing would increase the load on VCL resources.
Then they could have just weeded it out by directories instead of facing the choice between going through each and every image or shutting down. Their size issues could be resolved if they actually bothered to put some kind of limit on images... like 100 images max. Is 101 a winner? Take one of your others down. Then, they wouldn't have hack artists taking up server space with 500+ trash images.
Unfortunately I'd have to disagree with that. I have some respect for what VCL does offer, and even though I don't personally like a lot of the stuff shown there I respect it's being given a place to be shown. The only real issue I might have with VCL is the afformentioned lack of age restrictions on ethical grounds, and not providing some sort of content filter just because it seems like a no-brainer for a site that strives to be an all-encompassing repository for anthropomorphic art
I don't plan on finding out in 10 years, though. If I'm still doin' this 10 years from now, I'll shoot myself.
Amen to that. Though that begs the question.. what were you thinking ten years ago that you'd still be here? Also, if you really feel that way, why not leave now?
Edit: Just looked at the US mirror for the sake of comparison. I can see the furries might get rumpled with the loss of the Sweden site... the US one is pretty damn slow.
The US site was pretty fast, and the faster one of the two (at least for me, being in the US). It's only slow now because it's taking on the load of both servers. Jeez, Zen Zhu... overlook the obvious much :roll::P |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/28/2005 12:14:51 AM
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Don't you all see? The crash of Yerf, the shutdown of VCL's Swedish server, this is just the begining.
I'm still waiting for the completion of Arsenal Gear which once active will completly regulate the flow of all information as we know it. Think of it, a world where leaked source codes, roms, warez and other forms of piracy will become a thing of the past. Fandoms fueled by the Internet will fall, and free speech will cease to exist. It will be a glorious day. A boring day where nothing will appear on CYD or SA to amuse me, but a glorious day none the less.
You're a MADMAN :shock:
And on that day.. with nothing else to do.. we'll go outside and ride bikes....
I'm hoping for both vcl's and furnation's demise, because I have accounts on both with furry porn on them, passwords I've forgotten, and an e-mail address that has been suspended ages ago because the lack of use.
URL's please.
No, I won't tell anyone :wink:
And i'm, by the gods, NOT sending a scan of my driver's licence to a furry. NO FUCKING WAY.
This is why only two furries know my real full name (Ch'marr and one other), and only that other one knows where I live. I don't trust people to have my information, because it's evident that when 'wronged' the majority of furries will use whatever devisive means to irritate you that they can, because they're so damn weak and have no sense of class or what's socialy acceptable, not to mention a skewed notion of what's legaly acceptable.
EbonyLeopard, for one, and many others (on both sides.. you know who you are) bring up stuff that would otherwise have been dead and buried years ago; like spazzing over something said about Jim Groat's parenting skills or making thinly veiled allusions to Wayd's marriage at a furcon. See, if I was a furry apologist, I'd have to stand better on the issues, not hackneyed, tedious histrionics. |
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Joined: 31 Oct 2003
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Posted: 1/28/2005 2:38:47 AM
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Alright! Let's hope they don't find another server.
Earlier I said VCL is a toilet that needed to be flushed. I guess this might be it. Speak of the devil.
They have a mirror server in the US that is going to take over as the main site, sorry to disapoint you.
IceCat |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/28/2005 3:04:49 AM
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Alright! Let's hope they don't find another server.
Earlier I said VCL is a toilet that needed to be flushed. I guess this might be it. Speak of the devil.
They have a mirror server in the US that is going to take over as the main site, sorry to disapoint you.
We know that, we're just going with the spirit here, having some fun at the possibilities that some chance furry pissed off a member of the fabled secret society of the Illuminate, who in turn said 'fuck it, I'm taking you all down by end of the decade'.
It was weird, everybody on the plane was nervous, but I'd been drinking since lunch and I was like "Take it down. I don't care." You ever have one of those days? "Hit something hard, I don't want to limp away from this son of a..."
The guy sitting next to me is losing his mind. Apparently, he had a LOT to live for. He goes "HEY MAN, HEY MAN, huh huh HEY MAN, huh, IF ONE OF THESE ENGINES FAILS, HOW FAR WILL THE OTHER ONE TAKE US???"
"All the way to the scene of the crash."
"Which is pretty handy, because that's where we're headed. I'll bet we beat the paramedics there by at least a half an hour. We're hauling ass."
- Ron White |
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Anencephalic Baby Jesus
Joined: 17 Oct 2004
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Posted: 1/28/2005 4:27:04 AM
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Ron White is one of my all time favorite comics. Him and Dave Attell. |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 1/28/2005 4:31:16 AM
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*braces for a Yahoo Groups swarm*
I just realized something... Yahoo Groups is still around!
We're doomed. Or correction... Yahoo Groups is DOOMED.
You almost say that like it's a bad thing.
Furry's not going anywhere. It's in for a rough time over the next couple years, but trust me, one way or another they'll pull through this and come out smelling like, well, furries.
And by that time, the heat REALLY gets turned up on them.
(Just waiting for the first Senate hearings to drop mention of furrydumb, ladies & gents)
VERY true. Scary, but true.
It's just that I fear a furry flood on Yahoo Groups because the sheer load on their servers could get Yahoo Groups turned Pay Only as well. I am in several GOOD news groups (Long Live TechTV, The Read Or Die group, My BBS's group... I like those.)
And yes, I do know that there are already SEVERAL furry Yahoo groups. Hence my fear they'll breed... |
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Anencephalic Baby Jesus
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Posted: 1/28/2005 4:32:13 AM
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Also, regarding the U.S. server? All it takes in this country to shut down a site for good is a properly worded letter or two sent to the right people.
And all you need for THAT is a couple of busybody fundamentalists with too much time on their hands who know how to use spell check and realize that "a lot" is actually two words.
It has nothing to do with legality, the First Amendment, or OMGWTFBBQ O NOES OUR RIGHTS ARE BEING VIOLATED. It has to do with the fact that the average server admin would rather just remove an account that's causing trouble, rather than have to defend shitting dicknipples in court.
Just sayin'. |
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Joined: 16 Dec 2004
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Posted: 1/28/2005 4:50:12 AM
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Ron White is one of my all time favorite comics. Him and Dave Attell.
Lewis Black > Ron White, you COLOR-IST. Dave Attell does indeed kick ass too though. |
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Needs to get out more
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Posted: 1/28/2005 5:54:45 AM
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Also, regarding the U.S. server? All it takes in this country to shut down a site for good is a properly worded letter or two sent to the right people.
And all you need for THAT is a couple of busybody fundamentalists with too much time on their hands who know how to use spell check and realize that "a lot" is actually two words.
It has nothing to do with legality, the First Amendment, or OMGWTFBBQ O NOES OUR RIGHTS ARE BEING VIOLATED. It has to do with the fact that the average server admin would rather just remove an account that's causing trouble, rather than have to defend shitting dicknipples in court.
Just sayin'.
That's pretty much exactly what happened to Goatse. |
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Rural Pimp
Joined: 25 Dec 2004
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Posted: 1/28/2005 9:10:13 AM
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That's pretty much exactly what happened to Goatse.
OH NOES They killed Goatse! WAAAAAHH! |
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Anencephalic Baby Jesus
Joined: 17 Oct 2004
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Posted: 1/28/2005 9:16:01 AM
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That's pretty much exactly what happened to Goatse.
Sorry, I don't know that story. |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 1/28/2005 3:06:04 PM
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Amen to that. Though that begs the question.. what were you thinking ten years ago that you'd still be here? Also, if you really feel that way, why not leave now?
Let's see... 1995 I was starting graduate school. I was in my "psycho phase".. hair down to the middle of my back, romantically involved with a married woman (with a husband that probably would have shot me on sight), at probably the pinnacle of my furryness, and isloated enough at a new school in a dorm with all of 5 people on my floor that I was using borrowed Prodigy accounts for some form of contact (only a half step from the BBS days). Nah.. 10 years ago I didn't exactly have enough sense look down the road to now and think about where I'd be.
Flash forward to the present, however, I've actually contemplated fading away from here. It provides a little diversion when I'm waiting for a job to print or something. It is entertaining. But I do realize that watching the furries dig their holes deeper isn't doing myself any favors. When I go for days without getting online.. like vacations and such, I never think about furries, and can actually look at ads with new anthro stuff without thinking about how the piggies will rape it on VCL. It's definitely a lighter feeling to not know about their latest antics.
At the very least, I'm sure my next job will regulate access at work, so I won't be able to visit here anyway. So, yeah, I actually am thinking about leaving. I just haven't made the leap yet. I've actually mused letting post 1,500 be my last... just a nice, round number.
The US site was pretty fast, and the faster one of the two (at least for me, being in the US). It's only slow now because it's taking on the load of both servers. Jeez, Zen Zhu... overlook the obvious much :roll::P
I'm extending a finger at the screen. Is it obvious which one it is? :D |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
Needs to get out more
Joined: 20 Jan 2004
Posts: 1006
Posted: 1/29/2005 4:33:23 PM
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Amen to that. Though that begs the question.. what were you thinking ten years ago that you'd still be here? Also, if you really feel that way, why not leave now?
Let's see... 1995 I was starting graduate school. I was in my "psycho phase".. hair down to the middle of my back,
Whoa, hold up right there. You had hair?
Dude. My image of you as a bald bastard* is shaken slightly with this revelation.
romantically involved with a married woman (with a husband that probably would have shot me on sight), at probably the pinnacle of my furryness, and isloated enough at a new school in a dorm with all of 5 people on my floor that I was using borrowed Prodigy accounts for some form of contact (only a half step from the BBS days). Nah.. 10 years ago I didn't exactly have enough sense look down the road to now and think about where I'd be.
Flash forward to the present, however, I've actually contemplated fading away from here. It provides a little diversion when I'm waiting for a job to print or something. It is entertaining. But I do realize that watching the furries dig their holes deeper isn't doing myself any favors. When I go for days without getting online.. like vacations and such, I never think about furries, and can actually look at ads with new anthro stuff without thinking about how the piggies will rape it on VCL. It's definitely a lighter feeling to not know about their latest antics.
At the very least, I'm sure my next job will regulate access at work, so I won't be able to visit here anyway. So, yeah, I actually am thinking about leaving. I just haven't made the leap yet. I've actually mused letting post 1,500 be my last... just a nice, round number.
Go for it. It'd be sad to see you leave, but at the same time it'd be heartening to see one of the birds gather strength enough to fly through that open door and escape this crazy cage, rather than choose to stay only to live and die this way.
The US site was pretty fast, and the faster one of the two (at least for me, being in the US). It's only slow now because it's taking on the load of both servers. Jeez, Zen Zhu... overlook the obvious much :roll::P
I'm extending a finger at the screen. Is it obvious which one it is? :D
"you can't see me now, but know that I am giving you the finger, and I'm doing it as hard as I can."
(I couldn't find one of the little green dude showing the finger)
*By the way, you have now cleansed all the hair from your body, met your Godti101 Maker, and hooked yourself up with a pair of live shades. You have purchased a powerful bowel disruptor, have a two faced cat that smokes unfiltered black Russian cigarettes by the gross, crave monkey burgers and have just gotten a new assistant who used the money she made stripping to put herself through Journalism school. Together, you will set the world on it's ear, just as you did five years before. ALL IN ALL, IT'S A GOOD LIFE.
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Chris Baird
Joined: 04 Aug 2003
Posts: 140
Posted: 1/29/2005 5:34:06 PM
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The US site was pretty fast, and the faster one of the two (at least for me, being in the US). It's only slow now because it's taking on the load of both servers.
Something to keep in mind is they actually have to pay for the traffic on the US server. With LIU as the primary, that was US$220/month. Oh my. |
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Anencephalic Baby Jesus
Joined: 17 Oct 2004
Posts: 69
Posted: 1/29/2005 9:20:27 PM
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Somebody please tell me that's not a manip of Patrick Stewart made up to look like Spider. That's just wrong, man. |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
Needs to get out more
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Posted: 1/29/2005 10:28:11 PM
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Somebody please tell me that's not a manip of Patrick Stewart made up to look like Spider. That's just wrong, man.
A recent report on Cinescape quoted Star Trek and X-Men thespian Patrick Stewart about a comic-based work that he's long been attached to: "I'm sitting here looking at a collection of Transmetropolitan comic books as I speak to you." In Stewart's eyes it's a brilliant, an outstanding piece of work. "Transmetropolitan is mature and funny and savage and critical."
Not surprisingly, the quotes stirred quite a bit of fan interest. To counter the building rumors, the creator of the comic Warren Ellis sent out a statement of clarification. In accordance with Ellis' wishes we are running his statement in its entirety:
"Okay, I got a bunch of emails about this today, so let's deal with it now:
Patrick Stewart has apparently said, in a dozen places, that he still wants to make a Transmet film.
This does not mean one is in production, nor that anyone's actively working to develop it right now.
I think Patrick is brilliant. I think he'd make an excellent Spider Jerusalem. Providing was amenable, and I can't imagine he wouldn't be, we'd go and make a film with Patrick and Wendy Stewart in a second. But right now, nothing's happening.
Patrick and I haven't spoken in a while – he did the last Trek film and X-Men 2 back-to-back – and I haven't caught up with Wendy in a little while now. When we do talk, we talk Transmet. There were overtures made to Darick and I by a director about a year ago, and I kept Patrick and Wendy updated whenever anything happened – it came to nothing, as you can tell. Hollywood's built on talk. It's no big deal. Before that, we all tried to set up Transmet as a web animation with rich media around it, as a stepping stone to a movie, but the company involved tried to screw us all, and that was that.
What Patrick is saying is that he still wants to make the film. He knows I'm right there with him. We see things the same way. Patrick publicly attaching himself to the project doesn't hurt. But right now, nothing's happening. Okay?"
So, there you have the current status of any Transmetropolitan movie or TV show straight from the comic's creator himself.
Taken from here
I think he'd work in the role actually, and if Warren Ellis himself is okay with it, who could argue? |
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Anencephalic Baby Jesus
Joined: 17 Oct 2004
Posts: 69
Posted: 1/30/2005 2:45:22 AM
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I know Stewart's a fan (I have all the comics myself- it's one of the few Western series that I can stomach) but I just can't imagine him in the role. *shrugs* It'd be fun to see him do it anyway. |
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